Thursday, November 29, 2012

Job Interview

The phone call came from a private number. The voice was low and had a heavy accent. She asked short and sharp questions, paused for too long after my answers. Every pause made me uncomfortable. After a few seconds of waiting, I would utter something to fill in the silence.

I had needed a job for months. I had applied to every advertisement I came across. No reservations. No preferences. I had been desperate. 

"Are you in town for an interview?" Yes.

"Do you own a bike?" No. But if it is needed for this job, I will get one.

"Have you read 'The Red-Headed League'?" Umm.. is this the Sherlock Holmes story? What.. why?

"Ms. Light , I am asking the questions." Umm... Yes I have. But I don't remember much. It was so long ago. ... Something about an encyclopaedia... And banks. Umm, can I please have your name? Or number maybe? What is this job about?

"Ms. Light, I have to remind you again. I ask, you answer." Right.

So, I was going to have to work for a crazy lady. Whatever. Who cares. The red-headed man had a house from where thieves wanted to build a tunnel. I was living at friends' houses and cheap hotels. No catch there for me!

 "Do you own a backpack?" Yes, ma'am.

Crazy for sure.

"Okay Ms. Light. Please come to the gerble..gerble..gerble for your first interview." ...Click... 

Didn't catch that? Neither did I.
Did I mention that the call was from a private number?

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