Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Tree

It stood alone. There were no other trees near it. There was just a little bit of grass that grew in tufts here and there. It was a young tree with broad leaves that were very very dark in colour. They hung about the trunk and let the sunlight through. The leaves did not move in the wind either. Even though it was very young the roots emerged above the ground a bit. There were some newly built houses near the tree and perhaps it would not stand for too long after because of the fast-changing landscape.

But it didn't look like a tree that would die. It didn't look like something that would cease to exist ever in time. A tree whose leaves didn't respond to breezes, whose flowers did not advertise the tree's presence through an enchanting fragrance, that gave no traveler some joy by offering shade... The tree that stood alone against the sky as though it ruled it defiantly, not permitting another tree to dip its roots into the earth...

This tree would never die. But it came to life as her brush gently stroked the canvas.

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