Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Treat

The end of each day
Brought new hope
The end of each hour
Brought more waiting
The end of each moment
Brought more impatience

Impatience, waiting, hope
For what the next day would bring
For the excitement
For the discoveries to be made
For the joy of something new
For the contentment

It was a great treat
It was a world where
She could enter for a few minutes
And feel the tension
Like being on a rollercoaster
No. Even better.

Every morning brought a new one
Something she rose early to wait for
Every morning in the fog
The delivery boy brought a newspaper
To her doorstep
And she could do her favourite ..


Dhana said...

thanks honey ! you know what !? this is just hoping against hope for a hot cup of tea ! that somebody would bring for me !for if you make your tea yourself it wont have that aroma GOT the POINT!?!

Amber Light said...

Hey Dhana.. I didn't get your point :(

anon-e-mus said...

Its just that you will make some tea sometime when you are at home for a change You should be proud that mummy keeps herself busy with whatever & however stupid it can be !!!!

Amber Light said...

then she should decide either you want tea or sudoku!! choose!!!