Start a project like this and daily thoughts and feelings are recorded for you forever. But is this something that you would want? Do you want to remember the days when hardly anything happened? Do you want to record every single day when you tried to think deep thoughts about the weather or write witty poetry? Think about it, this is not photography. This is not just an act of clicking a device when even pointed in an arbitrary direction generates an image worthy of oohs and aahs. So writing is going to be you capturing monotony, running out of ideas repeatedly and shrinking in your seat thinking of the trash that has been written in a predictable rhyme the previous day and the day before that and the one before that...
Are you ready to face the truth about your lack of originality? Are you willing to write out the best of your thoughts on blank canvas literally everyday of the year and then have your worst, most cruel critic look it up the next day and judge you for it, be unhappy, throw epithets about being the most boring blogger on the internet? You better be, because this person is you and there is no escape from you. You better realize this before you start and stop if you think you cannot take it.
If you have gone through these questions thinking that you can take it, it is easy and don't know why I am fretting so much... This exercise is not for you. If these questions scare you and make you feel uneasy, take this project up. You will ask/feel/hate/judge, but it will be one of the most liberating feelings ever felt.
Are you ready to face the truth about your lack of originality? Are you willing to write out the best of your thoughts on blank canvas literally everyday of the year and then have your worst, most cruel critic look it up the next day and judge you for it, be unhappy, throw epithets about being the most boring blogger on the internet? You better be, because this person is you and there is no escape from you. You better realize this before you start and stop if you think you cannot take it.
If you have gone through these questions thinking that you can take it, it is easy and don't know why I am fretting so much... This exercise is not for you. If these questions scare you and make you feel uneasy, take this project up. You will ask/feel/hate/judge, but it will be one of the most liberating feelings ever felt.