Friday, August 24, 2007

The feared and revered monarch

I am typing this thing offline waiting expectantly that my broadband connection will suddenly spring back to life. The cute little green little flickers violently for two seconds and then goes out again. Reminds me of a fish jumping around when taken out of water.
We have begun treating the modem with awe and respect these days. Never touching it, carefully removing anything that may have been placed near it by mistake so as not to disturb it at its royal location on the table. We have tried observing it so as to find out what exactly angers it enough for it to take time off from so kindly helping us connect to the world outside.
Once we noticed that it went off every time there was some loud noise. So we turned the speaker down, shut all the doors and windows. We even started whispering to each other out of fear of offending Modem Maharajah. It worked some times. He was pleased enough to grant us a few minutes of uninterrupted service.
We realized once that he does not like it hot. We could not open the windows that bring in all that noise through. So we had to turn the fan on. It is pretty cold down here for humans with the fan on. So we sat huddled in blankets looking up at MM to change his mood.
Sometimes I take to staring at the box trying to will it to start working. Sort of try to hypnotise or work magic on it. But maybe I could succeed in bending metal spoons with all that staring but not MM. He is beyond that.
Once somebody was audacious enough to place a book carelessly on MM. We saw the book and removed it. But MM was so angered that he decided that we had to be taught a lesson. He decided that he would severe our connection exactly when we were in the middle of doing something really important, like mailing a 5 page long mail that had not been saved. He decided that he would never disconnect when we wasted our time wilfing through the net. And so it is till today. I still am waiting for MM to cool down and look down at me with kindness. So if this writing ever finds itself on the net, you know that it is because of the kindness and magnanimity of Modem Maharajah!

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